
Chiropractic care

Dr. Loni specializes in Thompson Terminal Drop technique. She utilizes her hands, a drop table, and extensive knowledge of the human body to preform a comfortable and effective adjustment. We provide exceptional services to create the right care plan for you!


In Touch Chiropractic offers the treatments for various conditions including but not limited to: 

  • Localized and radiating low back pain

  • Localized and radiating neck and arm pain

  • Sciatic nerve pain

  • Migraines/ Headaches

  • Hip clicking/popping and pain

  • Extremity pain

  • Asthma

  • Ear infections

  • Gastrointestinal issues

  • Sinus issues

  • Arthritis

  • Fatigue

  • Menstrual cramps


  • Colic

*These conditions may be helped through chiropractic care, not cured.*

What to expect day one

On your first visit you will sit down with Dr. Loni and discuss a brief history of any past injuries or life events that may be affecting your current health, as well as a focused look at any current issues. She will perform a thorough Chiropractic exam; any necessary muscle and orthopedic testing to determine the right course of treatment for your specific needs. If Dr. Loni deems radiographs are necessary for your care she will prescribe conservatively when needed.